Civil Engineering is the design and layout of the site involved with the project. Civil Engineering involves design of parking lots, roadways, residential and commercial subdivisions, industrial facilities, commercial sites, apartment complexes, shopping centers, storm water facilities and utility extensions.
Master Planning
Land Development Design and Consulting
Industrial and Commercial Site Layout
Residential & Commercial Subdivision Design and Layout
Recreational Facility Design and Layout
Parking Lot Layout and Design
Zoning Ordinance Compliance and Variation Coordination
Topography/Grading Plans along with Earthwork Calculations
Storm Water Management- Storm Water Control and Detention Plans
Rule 5- Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans and Permits
Utility Planning and Design and Utility Company Coordination
Utility Line Extensions and Layout Along with All Required Approvals
Water and Sewer Master Plans
Sanitation Engineering- Wastewater Lift Stations and Sewer Line Extensions
Street Improvement Plans- Roadway Design
Street Light Plans
Inspection Services
Site Related Issues and Solutions Related to American Disability Act (ADA)
Rail Spur Design and Docks
Retaining Wall Layouts
As-Built Site Information Including Structure Locations, Utility Locations, Existing
Parking Lot and Roadway Locations, and Existing Grades/Topography